Cheap business cards – Are they any good?

In this article we aim to answer the question; Cheap business cards - are they any good? There are many…


Drummond & Hammett Stringed Instruments

Brunelone.com have just printed these high quality certificates for Drummond & Hammett Stringed Instruments. They were printed on 300gsm Textured…


Super Business Cards

Brunelone.com offer a fantastic range of super business cards. Ranging from an industry standard 300 gsm to a premium 400 gsm…


What is bleed?

What is Bleed? A printer's guide to bleed. In this guide we aim to answer the question what is bleed…


Print Resolution Guide

So, what is  print resolution? And why is it important?   Resolution is the term applied to the quality of…


Paper Sizes

Don't know your paper sizes? Or the difference in size between a compliment slip and a business card?   No…


Paper Weight And Thickness Explained

Gsm and Micron have no direct correlation. You can't  just convert 1 into another. GSM is weight and micron is…


Colours For Print

RGB vs CMYK As a designer it is paramount you understand the difference between RGB vs CMYK and other colours…


Litho vs Digital Print Production

OK, this is a question we get asked about a lot, litho vs digital print. Normally people want to know…


Print Proofing Guide

Throughout our time printing for even the most organised businesses, we've seen many fall victim to simple spelling mistakes and…
